Meet LT COL Lisette Bonano
Serving The People of
Tampa Bay!
I am running for Florida State House, District 67. My courage, strength, and resilience come from a life growing up with the deep-rooted values of our military family. My father is a retired Vietnam veteran who served in the US Army. His example of selfless service inspired me and my five siblings to follow in his footsteps.
I joined the US Army and earned my officer’s commission in 1981. My responsibilities grew from human resources to civil affairs, psychological operations, intelligence, and, ultimately, inspector general. During my 28-year career, I rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
I deployed to Iraq to conduct civil engagement with local leaders. After I retired from the Army in 2010, I served as a US military contractor in Afghanistan, training an Afghan National Army Inspector General team to oversee operational readiness and military discipline.
Having grown up overseas and having served in diverse areas, I know how to listen, appreciate, and relate to people of all backgrounds, colors, and creeds. My dedication to the equitable treatment of all people led to my favorite assignment while assigned as a Joint Staff plans/policy officer at the Pentagon, where I was responsible for ensuring that our allies in the Western Hemisphere respected the human rights of their citizens. I also served as the US delegate to the Joint Staff Inter-American Defense Board.
I have always placed a premium on learning via hands-on experience and formal education. I have earned a B.A degree in Special Education, an M.A. degree in International Relations, and an Ed.D degree in Educational Leadership. I am currently working towards a PH.D in Theology.
I am more than ready to use my life experiences and leadership skills to serve the people of Hillsborough County. I will always listen to your concerns and fight for your needs and those of your families.
Together, “we the people” are “more than conquerors”!
Freedom reigns!
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